Awards for Weasel Reader

On May 1, 2003 Weasel Reader was nominated for the "Trophées du Libre" in the category of "Grand Public" (or "General Public"). On May 24, 2003 Weasel Reader won first place in its category.

Trophées du Libre

The awards ceremony was held in Soissons, France. It was a great honor to attend and I had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, due to some extreme bumbling on the part of American Airlines, I was without luggage for four days and since my camera was in my luggage I was unable to take any pictures of the ceremony.

SIL-CETRIL, the company who hosted the awards, was nice enough to give me an open return date on my flight home. I opted to stay an additional three weeks and do something of a whirlwind tour of Europe. With limited time, I couldn't go everywhere, but I did see Soissons, Paris, Barcelona, Milan, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Sixmilebridge (a small town in Ireland near Limerick). I kept a detailed travel log on my Palm which you can read. The first few entries may be of interest as they describe the awards ceremony and the people I met there.

While on my trip I also took a whole mess of pictures. The cheap camera I used was a bit of a mistake, but they turned out fairly well. You can view them in my gallery.

Other Honors

In early 2003, Andrea Capiluppi wrote a paper describing the evolution of a selection of open source projects. Weasel Reader was one of the projects picked for study.

Andrea Capiluppi's website may be found here.